Directed by Rea Tajiri • 2022 • United States
Starring Rose Noda, Rea Tajiri
In this moving and original reflection on mortality and transformation, Rea Tajiri partners with her mother, Rose Tajiri Noda, to create a film about the final sixteen years of her life as a person living with dementia. Tajiri shows us how to enter the world of a person living with dementia in order to connect through listening, art, and music. A delicate interweaving of past and present, parenting and being parented, the film reflects on the reliability of memory and the desire to reinvent one's own life when memories fail us. It is a poignant meditation on mothers and daughters and the abiding strength of the unique relationship between them.
Up Next in 21st Century Cinema
I Was Born, But . . .
Directed by Roddy Bogawa • 2004 • United States
Taking its title from a silent classic by Yasujiro Ozu, this uncompromisingly personal diary film from Roddy Bogawa finds the director journeying through his memories, from his childhood in Hawaii to his involvement in the LA punk scene of the 1970...
Directed by Samantha Futerman and Ryan Miyamoto • 2015 • United Kingdom
Starring Anaïs Bordier, Samantha Futerman, Kanoa GooIn February 2013, Anaïs Bordier, a French fashion student living in London, stumbled upon a YouTube video featuring Samantha Futerman, an actress in Los Angeles, and was s...