Bad Lieutenant
Directed by Abel Ferrara • 1992 • United States
Starring Harvey Keitel, Peggy Gormley, Victor Argo
Abel Ferrara’s harrowing vision of sin, Catholic guilt, and the search for salvation in a grimy New York City underworld is one of the most controversial and indelible works of the art of the 1990s. In an immense, body- and soul-baring performance, Harvey Keitel stars as a shockingly corrupt, drug- and gambling-addicted NYPD detective who wallows in the depths of degradation as he attempts to find redemption by tracking down a pair of rapists who assaulted a nun. With total, feverish commitment, Ferrara dares to find transcendence in a world of unrelenting filth and torment.
Bad Lieutenant
Directed by Abel Ferrara • 1992 • United States
Starring Harvey Keitel, Peggy Gormley, Victor ArgoAbel Ferrara’s harrowing vision of sin, Catholic guilt, and the search for salvation in a grimy New York City underworld is one of the most controversial and indelible works of the art of the 1990s...