Directed by Paul Thomas Anderson
5 Episodes
The great cinematic mythmaker of the San Fernando Valley, Paul Thomas Anderson stages uniquely American tales of ambition, destiny, downfall, and redemption on an epic scale. Full of bold camera movement, expressive compositions, and attention-grabbing music, and featuring showstopping performances from regular collaborators like Daniel Day-Lewis, Julianne Moore, Philip Seymour Hoffman, and John C. Reilly, his output ranges from dark, weighty explorations of moral corruption like THERE WILL BE BLOOD and THE MASTER to lighter (but no less intricately constructed) comedies like PUNCH-DRUNK LOVE and LICORICE PIZZA, all stamped with his unique feeling for the ways in which the forces of fate and chance govern human lives.
01:06Episode 1
Directed by Paul Thomas Anderson Teaser
Episode 1
2:13:28Episode 2
Licorice Pizza
Episode 2
Directed by Paul Thomas Anderson • 2021 • United States
Starring Alana Haim, Cooper Hoffman, Sean PennPaul Thomas Anderson’s ecstatic, unrestrained love letter to the San Fernando Valley captures the oddball energy of Southern California in the 1970s and the pangs and exhilaration of first lov...
Episode 3
Directed by Paul Thomas Anderson • 1999 • United States
Starring Tom Cruise, Melinda Dillon, Philip Seymour HoffmanPaul Thomas Anderson’s Altmanesque portrait of a day in the crisscrossing lives of various San Fernando Valley residents—including a sleazy pickup artist (Tom Cruise); a distraugh...
2:38:26Episode 4
There Will Be Blood
Episode 4
Directed by Paul Thomas Anderson • 2007 • United States
Starring Daniel Day Lewis, Paul Dano, Kevin J. O’ConnorAn electrifying performance from Daniel Day-Lewis animates this sprawling epic of family, faith, power, and oil—the rare twenty-first-century film to have already ascended to the leve...
1:35:23Episode 5
Punch-Drunk Love
Episode 5
Directed by Paul Thomas Anderson • 2002 • United States
Starring Adam Sandler, Emily Watson, Philip Seymour HoffmanChaos lurks in every corner of this giddily off-kilter foray into romantic comedy by Paul Thomas Anderson. Struggling to cope with his erratic temper, novelty-toilet-plunger sales...