Essential Art House

Essential Art House

Essential Art House
  • Hiroshima mon amour
    Movie + 11 extras

    Hiroshima mon amour

    Movie + 11 extras

    Directed by Alain Resnais • 1959 • France, Japan
    Starring Emmanuelle Riva, Eiji Okada

    A cornerstone of the French New Wave, the first feature from Alain Resnais is one of the most influential films of all time. A French actress (Emmanuelle Riva) and a Japanese architect (Eiji Okada) engage in a ...

  • Beauty and the Beast
    Movie + 8 extras

    Beauty and the Beast

    Movie + 8 extras

    Criterion Collection Edition #6

    Jean Cocteau’s sublime adaptation of Mme. Leprince de Beaumont’s fairy-tale masterpiece—in which the pure love of a beautiful girl melts the heart of a feral but gentle beast—is a landmark of motion picture fantasy, with unforgettably romantic performances by Jean...

  • Close-up
    Movie + 6 extras


    Movie + 6 extras

    Directed by Abbas Kiarostami • 1990 • Iran
    Starring Hossein Sabzian, Abolfazi Ahankhah, Mahrokh Ahankhah

    Internationally revered Iranian filmmaker Abbas Kiarostami has created some of the most inventive and transcendent cinema of the past thirty years, and CLOSE-UP is his most radical, brilliant...

  • The Seventh Seal
    Movie + 6 extras

    The Seventh Seal

    Movie + 6 extras

    Directed by Ingmar Bergman • 1957 • Sweden
    Starring Max von Sydow, Inga Landgré, Gunnar Björnstrand

    Returning exhausted from the Crusades to find medieval Sweden gripped by the Plague, a knight (Max von Sydow) suddenly comes face-to-face with the hooded figure of Death, and challenges him to a g...

  • Black Narcissus
    Movie + 6 extras

    Black Narcissus

    Movie + 6 extras

    Directed by Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger • 1947 • United Kingdom
    Starring Deborah Kerr, Sabu, David Farrar

    This explosive work about the conflict between the spirit and the flesh is the epitome of the sensuous style of Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger. A group of nuns—played by som...

  • The Wages of Fear
    Movie + 5 extras

    The Wages of Fear

    Movie + 5 extras

    Directed by Henri-Georges Clouzot • 1953 • France
    Starring Yves Montand, Charles Vanel, Peter Van Eyck

    In a squalid South American oil town, four desperate men sign on for a suicide mission to drive trucks loaded with nitroglycerin over a treacherous mountain route. As they ferry their explosive...

  • Richard III
    Movie + 3 extras

    Richard III

    Movie + 3 extras

    Directed by Laurence Olivier • 1955 • United Kingdom
    Starring Laurence Olivier, Ralph Richardson, Claire Bloom

    In RICHARD III, director, producer, and star Laurence Olivier brings Shakespeare’s masterpiece of Machiavellian villainy to ravishing cinematic life. Olivier is diabolically captivat...

  • Zéro de conduite
    Movie + 3 extras

    Zéro de conduite

    Movie + 3 extras

    Directed by Jean Vigo • 1933 • France
    Starring Jean Dasté, Gérard de Bédarieux, Louis Lefebvre

    So effervescent and charming that one can easily forget its importance in film history, Jean Vigo’s enormously influential portrait of prankish boarding-school students is one of cinema’s great acts of...

  • All That Money Can Buy

    Movie + 7 extras

    Directed by William Dieterle • 1941 • United States
    Starring Edward Arnold, Walter Huston, James Craig

    Jabez Stone is a hardworking farmer trying to make an honest living, but a streak of bad luck tempts him to do the unthinkable: bargain with the devil himself. In exchange for seven years of go...

  • The Gold Rush
    Movie + 6 extras

    The Gold Rush

    Movie + 6 extras

    Directed by Charles Chaplin • 1942 • United States
    Starring Charles Chaplin, Georgia Hale, Mack Swain

    Charlie Chaplin’s comedic masterwork—which charts a prospector’s search for fortune in the Klondike and his discovery of romance (with the beautiful Georgia Hale)—forever cemented the iconic sta...

  • The Battle of Algiers
    Movie + 11 extras

    The Battle of Algiers

    Movie + 11 extras

    Directed by Gillo Pontecorvo • 1966 • Algeria, Italy
    Starring Brahim Haggiag, Jean Martin, Saadi Yacef

    One of the most influential political films in history, THE BATTLE OF ALGIERS, by Gillo Pontecorvo, vividly re-creates a key year in the tumultuous Algerian struggle for independence from the o...

  • An Angel at My Table
    Movie + 5 extras

    An Angel at My Table

    Movie + 5 extras

    Directed by Jane Campion • 1990 • New Zealand
    Starring Kerry Fox, Alexia Keogh, Karen Fergusson

    With AN ANGEL AT MY TABLE, Academy Award–winning filmmaker Jane Campion brought to the screen the harrowing autobiography of Janet Frame, New Zealand’s most distinguished author. Three actors in turn ...

  • Rashomon
    Movie + 8 extras


    Movie + 8 extras

    Directed by Akira Kurosawa • 1950 • Japan
    Starring Toshiro Mifune, Machiko Kyo, Masayuki Mori

    A riveting psychological thriller that investigates the nature of truth and the meaning of justice, RASHOMON is widely considered one of the greatest films ever made. Four people give different accou...

  • À nous la liberté
    Movie + 5 extras

    À nous la liberté

    Movie + 5 extras

    Directed by René Clair • 1931 • France
    Starring Raymond Cordy, Henri Marchand, Rolla France

    One of the all-time comedy classics, René Clair’s À NOUS LA LIBERTÉ tells the story of Louis, an escaped convict who becomes a wealthy industrialist. Unfortunately, his past returns (in the form of old ja...

  • Henry V
    Movie + 1 extra

    Henry V

    Movie + 1 extra

    Directed by Laurence Olivier • 1944 • United Kingdom
    Starring Laurence Olivier, Leslie Banks, Robert Newton

    Olivier mustered out of the navy to film this adaptation of Shakespeare’s history. Embroiled in World War II, Britons took courage from this tale of a king who surmounts overwhelming odds ...

  • Bicycle Thieves
    Movie + 6 extras

    Bicycle Thieves

    Movie + 6 extras

    Directed by Vittorio De Sica • 1948 • Italy
    Starring Lamberto Maggiorani, Enzo Staiola, Lianella Carell

    Hailed around the world as one of the greatest movies ever made, the Academy Award-winning BICYCLE THIEVES, directed by Vittorio De Sica, defined an era in cinema. In poverty-stricken postwar ...

  • Jules and Jim
    Movie + 14 extras

    Jules and Jim

    Movie + 14 extras

    Directed by François Truffaut • 1962 • France
    Starring Jeanne Moreau, Oskar Werner, Henri Serre

    Hailed as one of the finest films ever made, JULES AND JIM charts, over twenty-five years, the relationship between two friends and the object of their mutual obsession. The legendary François Truffau...

  • Cléo from 5 to 7
    Movie + 6 extras

    Cléo from 5 to 7

    Movie + 6 extras

    Directed by Agnès Varda • 1962 • France
    Starring Corinne Marchand, Antoine Bourseiller, Dominique Davray

    Agnès Varda eloquently captures Paris in the sixties with this real-time portrait of a singer (Corinne Marchand) set adrift in the city as she awaits test results of a biopsy. A chronicle of ...

  • Smiles of a Summer Night

    Movie + 2 extras

    Directed by Ingmar Bergman • 1955 • Sweden
    Starring Ulla Jacobsson, Eva Dahlbeck, Harriet Andersson

    After fifteen films that received mostly local acclaim, the comedy SMILES OF A SUMMER NIGHT at last ushered in an international audience for Ingmar Bergman. In turn-of-the-century Sweden, four men...

  • La Jetée
    Movie + 7 extras

    La Jetée

    Movie + 7 extras

    Directed by Chris Marker • 1963 • France

    Chris Marker, filmmaker, poet, novelist, photographer, editor, and now videographer and digital multimedia artist, has been challenging moviegoers, philosophers, and himself for years with his complex queries about time, memory, and the rapid advancement ...

  • 8½
    Movie + 15 extras

    Movie + 15 extras

    Directed by Federico Fellini • 1963 • Italy
    Starring Marcello Mastroianni, Bruno Agostini, Sandra Milo

    Marcello Mastroianni plays Guido Anselmi, a director whose new project is collapsing around him, along with his life. One of the greatest films about film ever made, Federico Fellini’s 8½ (Otto...

  • Children of Paradise
    Movie + 7 extras

    Children of Paradise

    Movie + 7 extras

    Directed by Marcel Carné • 1945 • France
    Starring Arletty, Jean-Louis Barrault, Pierre Brasseur

    Poetic realism reached sublime heights with CHILDREN OF PARADISE, widely considered one of the greatest French films of all time. This nimble depiction of nineteenth-century Paris’s theatrical demimon...

  • The Rules of the Game
    Movie + 15 extras

    The Rules of the Game

    Movie + 15 extras

    Directed by Jean Renoir • 1939 • France
    Starring Nora Gregor, Paulette Dubost, Mila Parély

    Considered one of the greatest films ever made, THE RULES OF THE GAME (LA RÈGLE DU JEU), by Jean Renoir, is a scathing critique of corrupt French society cloaked in a comedy of manners in which a weekend a...

  • Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles

    Movie + 11 extras

    Directed by Chantal Akerman • 1975 • Belgium
    Starring Delphine Seyrig, Jan Decorte

    A singular work in film history, Chantal Akerman’s JEANNE DIELMAN, 23, QUAI DU COMMERCE, 1080 BRUXELLES meticulously details, with a sense of impending doom, the daily routine of a middle-aged widow, whose chores ...