Observations on Film Art

Observations on Film Art

Observations on Film Art
  • Abbas Kiarostami: The Character of Landscape, the Landscape of Character

    1 season

    Observations on Film Art No. 3

    In the third installment in our ongoing introduction to film language, Professor Kristin Thompson offers an analysis of the legendary Iranian filmmaker Abbas Kiarostami's quiet genius.

  • Quicker Than the Eye: Editing in SANSHIRO SUGATA

    1 season

    Observations on Film Art No. 2

    Our home film school continues with David Bordwell’s analysis of Akira Kurosawa’s first film, a showcase for the powerhouse director’s range of talents.


    1 season

    Observations on Film Art No. 1

    If you’ve always wanted to study film, here’s your chance! In this series, the authors of “Film Art: An Introduction” bring film school home in plain language. This month, Jeff Smith breaks down a classical Hollywood score with a Hitchcockian twist.