

Directed by Mark Lewis • 1998 • United Kingdom

This witty, charming, and unusual documentary chronicles one of the most enduring rivalries in nature: man versus rat in their endless struggle to control New York City. The war is fought on every front—in sewer and subway, tenement and skyscraper alike. RAT captures the real-life horror and humor as Gotham meets the invading vermin. Marvel at the resilience of these rodents, while hearty New Yorkers share tales of battle and, in some cases, defeat. The cameras go on patrol with the city’s famed exterminators, then behind walls, through pipes, and deep into the New York underground to reveal the hidden world of these most cunning of creatures.

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  • Rat

    Directed by Mark Lewis • 1998 • United Kingdom

    This witty, charming, and unusual documentary chronicles one of the most enduring rivalries in nature: man versus rat in their endless struggle to control New York City. The war is fought on every front—in sewer and subway, tenement and skyscraper a...