

Directed by Juleen Compton • 1965 • United States
Starring Juleen Compton, Gary Collins, Alkis Yannakas

Working in Europe and the United States, Juleen Compton found inspiration in the rebel spirit and stylistic innovation of the French New Wave, creating complex characters in search of identity. Her debut STRANDED follows Raina (played by Compton), a young American woman traveling through Greece with her American lover (Gary Collins) and her French, gay best friend (Gian Pietro Calasso). A free spirit, Raina rejects the limitations of marriage and domesticity imposed on women of her generation and instead chooses to adventure across Europe on a quest for self-determination.

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  • Stranded

    Directed by Juleen Compton • 1965 • United States
    Starring Juleen Compton, Gary Collins, Alkis Yannakas

    Working in Europe and the United States, Juleen Compton found inspiration in the rebel spirit and stylistic innovation of the French New Wave, creating complex characters in search of identity...