Alexander Nevsky
Alexander Nevsky
1h 48m
Directed by Sergei Eisenstein • 1938 • Soviet Union
Starring Nikolai Cherkasov, Nikolai Okhlopkov, Andrei Abrikosov
Eisenstein drew on history, Russian folk narratives, and the techniques of Walt Disney to create this broadly painted epic of Russian resilience. This story of Teutonic knights vanquished by Prince Alexander Nevsky’s tactical brilliance resonated deeply with a Soviet Union concerned with the rise of Nazi Germany. Widely imitated, most notably by Laurence Olivier’s Battle of Agincourt re-creation for HENRY V, the Battle on the Ice scene remains one of the most famous audio-visual experiments in film history, perfectly blending action with the rousing score of Sergei Prokofiev.
Up Next in Alexander Nevsky
Bezhin Meadow
Directed by Sergei Eisenstein • 1937 • Soviet Union
Banned and destroyed by Stalin in 1937, BEZHIN MEADOW is the story of a boy killed by his father for informing on him. All that survives are the first and last frames of each shot, preserved by Sergei Eisenstein’s wife, Pera Atasheva. The 1967 ...