1h 23m
Directed by Stuart Cooper • 1975 • United Kingdom
Starring Brian Stirner, Davyd Harries, Nicholas Ball
Seamlessly interweaving archival war footage with a fictional narrative, this immersive account of one twenty-year-old’s journey from basic training to the front lines of D-day brings to life all the terrors and isolation of war with jolting authenticity. OVERLORD, directed by Stuart Cooper and impressionistically shot by Stanley Kubrick’s longtime cinematographer John Alcott, is both a document of World War II and a dreamlike meditation on human smallness in a large, incomprehensible machine.
Up Next in Overlord
OVERLORD Commentary
Recorded in 2006 in Los Angeles and London, this commentary features director Stuart Cooper and actor Brian Stirner.
Mining the Archive
In this 2007 piece, Imperial War Museum film archivists Roger Smither and Anne Fleming discuss Stuart Cooper’s use of archival war footage to tell the story of the buildup to D-day in OVERLORD. Also included is additional footage shot on D-day by service cameramen.
Capa Influences Cooper
Legendary photographer Robert Capa shot 106 images on Omaha Beach on D-day, only a handful of which survive. These blurry photos have a surreal quality that succinctly conveys the chaos and confusion of the day. In this 2007 photo essay, which includes most of the famous images, director Stuart C...